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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I'm Getting More Excited Everyday!!

Well, Robert's ring is in today, so I'm going to pick up "the ball and chain" (as the jewelry guy called it) tomorrow or this weekend. I'm going with "the girls" to check out the hotels close to the beach house Friday afternoon. We don't want any smelly roach/crack motels!! I'll be putting a post up on what passes inspection! It is so awesome seeing the number of visitors to the site! It makes us so happy to see where the hits are coming from across the US. (Robert set that up. I couldn't do that if I tried!) It also gives me an idea of who has gotten the invitations. We found out today that long time friends of my family (one of my Daddy's friends from childhood and his wife) will be coming from California!! I'm SO ecstatic!! Laura and Jeanne started talking about shower and party planning today! OK, This seems real now!!! (That was said in an excited voice, not a scared voice!)
Now, I've got to tell y'all about further compromise in our relationship. A couple of weeks ago I went with Robert and Jean-Paul to see..........(drum roll please) HELLBOY 2. (They had to see Sex and the City with me a few weeks before and they got a standing ovation from the packed movie theater full of women!) HELLBOY 2 was actually good, not Oscar material, but good for a comic book story (I learned THAT from Robert!) So as payback, I mean compromise, they went to see.......... MAMMA MIA! Yes!! And they LIVED!!! And their boy parts didn't fall off because they watched a musical with me!!! And it was excellent. Pierce Brosnan can't sing to save his life, but, good Lord, that man is beautiful! I could...Oh, sorry, I'm about to get married. Anyway, he is a great creation! The guys said they liked it too, but they may deny it later.
As for Robert's post about all my planning and how wonderful I am: I must say, I am! I'm just joking! It's the touch of OCD I have, plus, if we think of something we want to do, I have to do it instantly, or it is gone from my mind! Seriously! I make notes, but I lose them. I can't remember squat! I have so much to remember at work, plus dealing with the emotional part of what I do, I forget a lot. It's a defense mechanism I have perfected! Anyway, thanks to everyone for reading, and leaving comments. We love it! I'll write Friday night or Saturday about the hotels. We have a BIG week coming up!! Our nephews turn 3!!!! Where has the time gone!!

Love y'all, Shannon (or Shannie as the nieces and nephews call me!)

Monday, July 28, 2008

Shannon is Amazing

O.K., I gotta get this off my chest, Shannon has been a force to be reckoned with. She has been amazing. She could write a book on planning. The reason all this has been flowing (the planning) so smoothly, has been her. All her. She can check off an idea we both have and then make it happen. From the location of the wedding to the last detail of the pen to sign the guest book. Shannon is amazing. I don't know how we could have gotten so much done so efficiently and so quickly without her. This is why I love her so. By the way, if you have not noticed, She is the one that writes all the posts on the planning of the wedding (except the menu), and I am the historian. My part will be coming soon as I get the R.S.V.P.'s and start to plan the food and entertainment and such. Don't know what I would do without her.


Saturday, July 26, 2008

Another Productive Saturday!

We went shopping for Robert's ring today. Found it, ordered it, checked off the list! We got a few things we were looking for to decorate, and found all that we needed. Robert wants "bubble monkeys" from the party store for the wedding. We didn't get those, yet. Last night we made a last minute trip to Lakeland to Burlington Coat Factory and the mall. It was so much fun! Jeanne, Mike, and Mikey were able to go with us. This is 2 weekends in a row that we have been shopping together, and there is NO shopping like Tarver shopping!! Jeanne makes everyone laugh to the point of needing the protection of "depends." Burlington is my NEW favorite store!! The one in Lakeland is SO much nicer than the one in Tampa, and the prices are amazing! We go to Miami in 2 weeks to look for Robert's guaybera wedding shirt. I can't wait to see the Miami crew. We talked to Ryan today. Actually, we listened to Ryan today. He gets so excited, it is hard to understand what he is saying, like me! Anyway, we are having another fun and productive weekend!

Love, Shannon

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Our First Trip: Part III

Originally I wanted to have pictures of all of us throughout the trip. I will add these pictures at a later time. Our last morning, July 9, 2005, two days before Dennis hit, we woke up really early, about 6:00 a.m., and walked through the French Quarter and had breakfast at Harrah's. It was so quiet and peaceful. It was very moving actually. We walked all over and snapped black and white photos. I truly think these photos capture what we experienced that morning. Especially in hindsight.

This was a very special trip on many levels, meeting great people and so much fun in under 24 hours. Shannon and I will never regret that short trip, as it was a month later that New Orleans was devasted by Hurricane Katrina.

Our First Trip: Part II

O.k., when we left off we were all soaking wet wandering around the French Market. Well, after a few phonecalls, we found out most everyone would be meeting at Pat O'Briens before dinner. We all made it to Pat's and what a crew. We first met in the piano bar where we got to meet the rest of the group. We then proceeded out to the patio where I had the distinct pleasure of meeting Kevin, who just flew in on his private plane from the Cayman Islands just to grace us with his presence. BTW, his pilot was waiting for him at the plane. (If I sound a little biased please stay tuned for the conclusion of this evening) It's time for dinner. Please, if anyone can help me I cannot for the life of me remember the first restaurant we tried to get into. (Thanks Marcus for the info, it was Mr. B's Bistro, I gotta try this place.) Due to the fact we had some people some straight from the airport, in shorts and hats, we would not be admitted into the first restaurant so we ended up at Brennan's. I will never be able to say enough about this place. They took us in, I think about 20 of us? No reservations, shorts, ball caps and a Friday night. We had the whole room to ourselves and what a meal. Cass, I know you so enjoyed your snails from Slidell, and also discovering the wonderful truth that you can put garlic and butter on anything (edited) and it will taste good. Ivan and Alfred, I hope you guys remember the debate on how to cook tongue Ivan, and Alfred's rebuttal on how you can $@!* #& cooking a pork chop. I just want to thank everyone that was there. I had the one of the best and most memorable dinners of my life. All of you made me feel so welcome. Enough sentiments for now. We gotta mention the Bananas Foster. To those who don't know.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bananas Foster is a dessert made from bananas and vanilla ice cream, with the sauce made from butter, brown sugar, cinnamon, dark rum, and banana liqueur. The butter, sugar and bananas are cooked, and then the alcohol is added and ignited. The bananas and sauce are then served over the ice cream. Preparation of the dish is often made into a tableside performance as a flambe.

The dish was created in 1951 by Paul Blangé at Brennan's Restaurant in New Orleans, Louisiana. It was named for Richard Foster, a friend of Owen Brennan's and New Orleans Crime Commission chairman. It is still served at a number of fine restaurants in New Orleans and other fine restaurants around the world.

They prepare it at the table and need I say more? We closed the place at after 1:00 a.m. I just want to say our waiter was one of the best I have ever had. He put up with a lot (Kevin). I guess Kevin had to meet his pilot at the airport ASAP. Like I said, one of the best dining experiences I have ever had including the company at the table and the excellent service and food. Until next time.


To those of you wondering Kevin tried to walk out on the bill without paying. Our waiter, in a tux, chased his ass down the street and actually caught him. He had ordered a very expensive bottle of wine and sent it back as well. It turns out it was all a story. Kevin had flown in on Southwest Airlines and could not even pay for his meal. 'Nuff said.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Our First Trip: Part I

Well our first trip was an event filled one. In July of 2005, Shannon had her class reunion in New Orleans so we decided to go despite the fact that a Hurricane was in the Gulf. Dennis. Now we weren't really taking chances. We were ready to leave at a moments notice. We left for New Orleans on Friday, July 8th, at about 2:00 a.m. So we would be there bright and early. Plus we were so excited about going we couldn't sleep. Anyway, we got there and checked in to our hotel, The Bourbon Orleans Hotel. Our first stop was the Court of Two Sisters, where we met Shannons friends, Dr. Jenny, Jennifer, Cindy and Gene. Then it was off to Acme Oyster House for lunch. O.K., Now anywhere that serves Boo Fries, which includes roast beef gravy and cheese, can't be all bad. Now is when some of the rain started. After we left there, we spent some time walking around the French Market while soaking wet.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

July 4th weekend.

We went to St Augustine for July 4th to see Joey, Joyce and Nicole. We had a great time. The fireworks at the fort were amazing. We watched them from the intercoastal so the fireworks were right behind the big cross. It was beautiful! We did a little shopping while we were there, and got some amazing deals at the outlet malls! I LOVE a great deal!! Robert and I went to several shell shops to pick out special shells for the tables and for decorations. That was fun! I've never seen so many gator heads in my life!! They will not be part of the decor!!!

Last night we decided to go to Target and Bed, Bath, and BEYOND to register since several people have asked when we were going to do that. Well, let me tell you, THAT IS FUN!!! I love walking around with the scanny gun thingy. Robert wanted to scan hotdogs, motor oil, and stuff that would make people wonder "what the hell?" At Target we went all over and had such a great time that I wanted to go to B, B and B. Well, B, B, and B was not as relaxed as Target. We had to sit there, answer a lot of questions, and then the woman WALKED WITH US!!! For the love of God, how are we supposed to make fun of stuff and joke with each other with "Perky Patsy" pointing out stuff we should register for!! I even told her early on "We are old. We have most of the basics since we have 2 separate houses." Perky didn't get it, neither did her manager. They kept saying, "You need to register for however many gifts as invitations you send." Give me a break! Anyway, Robert almost made Perky Patsy see $$$$ when he started looking at $700 set of cookware, then said, "I'm too tough on cookware to pay that much. I'll go to Louis Wohl & Sons." Perky Patsy then became less than perky Patsy. She let us make the second loop around by ourselves. Now we are talking! We could make fun of stuff!! I love me some "as seen on TV" stuff!! Anyway, it was a great weekend and planning is still going beautifully!!