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Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas and a Couple of Interesting Movies.

Christmas has come and gone once again. The older I get, the closer together they seem to get. I worked Christmas day, and it wasn't bad, all in all. Someone has to do it, and this year was my year. Robert came with me to keep me company. I made it through the day without setting off the alarm. We brought the TV and DVD player into the "bullpen" and watched the most awesomely ridiculously awful movie called "The Happiness of the Katakuris." It was SO awful, that it was hilariously funny. It is a Japanese subtitled movie that the box describes as "The Sound of music" meets "Dawn of the Dead" which is a zombie movie. I found this gem at the library. It caught my eye because it did look like "The Sound of Music" with Japanese characters. I laughed so hard I wheezed. Robert, Tammy and I watched it between phone calls. Lorie was in the office some of the time, but I'm pretty sure she thought we were crazy. The movie had music/dance numbers in it, mixed with zombies and such. We may have a new Christmas tradition. I wonder if some Japanese family was watching "A Christmas Story" and laughing at it and thinking it was awesomely ridiculously awful.
We went to Brandon to see the "little Kimseys." There is nothing like seeing kids with new presents to make Christmas feel like Christmas. They were so cute and sweet. I wish it could have been like the wedding, where we had all of the Outlaw-Pezoldt-Kimsey little ones together in one place. Our nieces and nephews are so special to us. It is crazy to think that Nicole was 6 and Rian was 4 when we started dating. Now they are growing into little ladies!
Today we went to eat at Yamatos for a late nice Christmas dinner, then went to see "Avatar." It was really great, BUT let me say that if you have ANY inner ear problems or tendency to have motion sickness, either don't see it in 3D, or get there so early that you can sit in the very top row. We saw it today and got there 5 minutes after it started, so we had to sit in the 2nd row!! Barf fest!! It was so close and so fast action. I can't wait to see it again at home and not in 3D.
Well, I hope that everyone had a great Christmas and I'm looking for a great New Year!!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Needing a Little Christmas Spirit.

I'm having difficulty finding my inner elf. It is bothering me too. I am so blessed in so many ways, but this year I'm not feeling like it is Christmastime. Maybe it's the weather. Considering it is 85 degrees outside, that is a good possibility. (My plants are starting to bloom; the grass is growing like summer!) Maybe it's because I have to work Christmas day. Maybe it's because I won't be able to see my family on or around Christmas. We were able to spend Thanksgiving with them, but that wasn't enough for me. (Give me an inch, I want a mile!) I've watched more Christmas shows lately than I ever have. Maybe I need some of those "Ronco" commercials like when I was little! That let me KNOW it was Christmas. My Christmas tree is fabulous! I even bought a space heater that looks like a fireplace (fake logs and flames, and all!!) It looks perfect, but I sweat when I look at it, even though the heater isn't on. I thought I was going to have a heat stroke getting it into the car! The people at Home Depot were looking at me like I was crazy. I'm working really hard to get in the spirit! I should have it in a week or so!!! Merry Christmas to all! Love, Shannon and Robert