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Tuesday, November 4, 2008


We received the wedding DVD and 700+ photos from Marcus and Lorraine yesterday! I was on call, so Robert waited for me to get home last night to view all of them. They are amazing! It was so neat to watch the wedding DVD and see things that happened, that I had no idea had transpired! The communion wine (grape juice) spilled just as the pastor and guys walked out, and with the most amazing grace my brother-in-law took the communion cup, got it to Lorraine, who run up to the house just as I was walking up the aisle, filled it with wine and made it back before my brother-in-law walked up to sing and handed it off to the best man. It was so smooth that you could not tell it wasn't planned that way! I was unaware of the whole thing! I thought it was interesting that the blood of Christ was real wine, and said "Wow, that is real wine!" when we took communion. Robert said, "There's a story and I'll tell you later." Happy little accidents taken care of by people who love us! Lorraine also informed me that an older lady sporting a string bikini decided to set up here sunbathing station right in front of the table and wedding area, meaning she was going to be in ANY and ALL photos. Lorraine was going to let her know that she was about to be in many photos, but she moved as everyone started coming in and sitting. If anyone got a picture of this woman or the 80 year old man in the speedo thong, please let me know! I would love to photoshop these people into all future special occasion photos! I think it would be a hoot!! I was in shock at all of Lorraine's photos, and how she was EVERYWHERE! She must have run up and down stairs a thousand times to get shots of the party from the top floor and in the middle of the action! I am forever indebted to her and her girls!
In other news, my wonderful supervisor Traci is leaving to get a job with our company closer to home. She lives about an hour away right now. I am very sad about that because she is the best and most laid back supervisor I have ever had. That left an opening as supervisor, so with many reservations, I applied. I wanted Traci to stay, so I didn't want to take it, but like it or not, she has to be closer to home as her son gets older and more active in after school stuff. I have been with hospice for 7 years now, and I love my patients. The one-on-one care and visits are my first love, but I have to think about my family, and this is the best way to work if Robert and I plan to have a family. We are going to wait a couple of years before starting a family, but the timing of this change is good for us. It will also be an excellent teacher of patience for me, which will come in handy with children, if we are blessed with them. I have patients who want me to have babies ASAP so they can see them before they die, but I have told them they have to hang on for a couple of years, or they will get to see them before I do when they get to heaven. We don't want to rush because once you have them, you can't send them back, and we have to be prepared for paying childcare! I start as supervisor at some point before Dec. 1st. Thank goodness Robert works at Publix, which has excellent benefits and lots of room for advancement. They are very family oriented. His move to Publix has been such a blessing! The people there are so sweet! It was very difficult when he was laid off due to the slow economy exactly one month before the wedding, but it was the best thing that could have happened to us!
Thanks again for everything! We love y'all!
Shannon and Robert

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