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Friday, July 17, 2009


I cannot stress enough to everyone to please watch out for bike riders. On the way to work today I was cut off by a black Toyota Camry with gold pin striping ( I know it's funny what you see in slow-mo). I was never seen by the driver. I had do ditch the bike at a good clip and got a little roughed up. I am OK and the bike had a few readjustments. So sore now. I can't wait until tonight (sarcasm). It amazes me as I was walking back that no one stopped to ask if I was OK. I was, but I feel that if Shannon or I saw someone in the same situation we would at least ask if they needed anything. I am done ranting for now, it kinda hurts to type (just kidding). Riding has always made me a little more aware of others and I am sure Shannon will attest to that as well. I just wish people would slow down, just a little, and be a little more aware.


1 comment:

Marcus said...

We've had several bikers get killed up here in the last few years. Be careful! There are way too many idiots driving.