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Sunday, August 10, 2008

Our Trip to Miami

O.K., I know I mainly do the historical archiving here on the site, but I had to share our trip with you. The quest was on for my Guayabera shirt for the wedding. Being a cook, and with my love of Cuban food, I frequent, and the Three Guys From Miami website. (Love their cookbooks also). Well, on the site I read about this man, Ramón Puig, who came from Cuba 40 years ago and makes (hand makes), traditional Guayaberas. Everyone who knows me knows that I could not pass up going to La Casa de Las Guayaberas. Wow, I can't say much more than that. I found my shirt. The place is located at 5840 SW 8th Street and SW59th Ave. (A.K.A Calle Ocho), in the Opera Plaza. Here is a link to a New Times review, as well as a link to a Miami Herald review. Shannon also had a great find in a dress that she can change into when the wedding gown gets a little restricting. She got an amazing deal on it but had to pay the price of waiting in a line for 45 minutes while a woman bought more clothes and handbags than you have EVER seen at one time. Shannon and Dana also had time to work on some of the flower arranging and other dress buying. But the main reason for the trip was Ryan's B-day. Mason's was last week (being that they are 4 days apart). I does get tough trying to make both birthday's every year, as both of them mean the world to us both.


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