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Friday, August 21, 2009

Going Crazy? Already Crazy? Been Crazy for a While?

Last weekend I had a major case of "the crud" of some sort. Something between the plague and the pig/bird flu. I started sneezing. No big deal. Allergies. Then my head filled up, like it was going to explode. Pain. Exploding would be ok, it would reduce the pressure. Then Saturday I just wanted to crawl in a hole. My ears were full of fluid, so every sound was muffled. My head hadn't exploded but the pressure was increasing. Sunday I had the sweats, and I mean POURING sweats, along with the pressure and fluid in my ears. Then came the chest congestion. Then I was better. Thank goodness I am well for this weekend. I think I picked up some Miami crud. Through all of this I didn't miss a day of work, as my OCD will not allow for that. On top of feeling bad, some of the staff had cases of the whineys/fits. It never ceases to amaze me how some actually think they can tell the boss exactly what they will and won't do. Silly excuses are my favorite. I'm glad I was raised to have the work ethic that I have. It may drive me crazy, but I would never want to be lazy.
I am hoping to be able to keep up with more frequent blogs.
We are still riding the bikes. I will attach a picture of one of our predawn rides. Love, Shannon

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Celebration Weekend!

We went to Miami this weekend to celebrate the big "4" with Ryan!! It was a G-Force birthday! The movie was really cute! Ryan got to start the movie in the projector room. It was wonderful to have the crew together again. We missed Joey, Joyce and Nicole. We had not been to Miami since Chad and Tracy's wedding in February! It is ridicules to go 6 months without seeing my family!! Anyway, we had a great time, as usual!! Much love to all of you and happy birthday!
FYI- Ryan isn't developing faster than the average 4 year old, he knocked his teeth up into his gums and had to have them surgically removed. He had extras to spare, so he should be in good shape!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

A Special Week!

Our Special little guys turn 4 this week!! I can't believe it! How time flies! Happy Birthday boys!! Love, Shannie and Robert