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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Unfortunately, It Finally Happened

(As a prelude to this post I have always ridden a bike, 25 years, I love it and I have lost 90 pounds since February of this year.)

This morning, while it was still relatively cool out (GTEFCU sign said 75 degrees at 7:30am), I felt like running up to Wal-Mart to look for some paint for several little projects I am working on. It happened. While crossing the road, a car turning right hit me. Fortunately I saw it coming and prepared as much as I could. As soon as I went down I popped right back up and pulled my bike to the grass. In hindsight, I saw that I had raised my right foot up before she hit me and pushed off the car towards the grass. I didn't make the grass so I am a little bruised and scraped up and the bike was totaled and still sitting on the side of the road. Where my right foot was the right pedal went through her bumper. After the Pasco Deputy and an FHP officer had taken care of the situation the woman offered to take me to replace my bike which I gladly accepted and walked home my new bike. She was charged with the accident. Her citation was for "careless driving" and was $166 and 4 points on her license. Shannon is a bit freaked out with all this and I can't blame her. If my bike is still there tonight and Shannon and I pick it up I will post a pic for you all.


knitforknot said...

I am so glad to hear that you are OK! The weight loss is a great thing, but perhaps a stationary bike might be considered? :)

Anonymous said...

Got rid of the stationary bike due to boredom.

Keetha said...

My goodness! You all did have quite the day. Glad everyone is okay.