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Sunday, March 28, 2010

One Month!

Wow! I am bad! I can't believe it has been one month since I posted anything! I can't say "Oh, we've been so busy, I just can't find time to write." That would be a lie. Actually, we are just plain boring.
Right now we are both "under the weather." I shy away from the word "sick" because I don't FEEL bad, I'm just tired and SOUND sick. (OK, that could be a little denial, but I don't feel as bad as Robert did.) I love oranges, HATE orange trees! For anyone who has been around orange trees in the early spring, they have a sickeningly sweet pollen that covers EVERYTHING for miles and turns my sinuses into ground beef that free-flow a river of snot. I am about to the point of taking "feminine hygiene products" (the bullet shaped ones) and sticking one up each nostril. The only reason I haven't: I don't want my nose holes so stretched out that it's like looking into 2 caves of drippy snot. I know: Vanity!
My 20 year class reunion is coming up, and I can't wait to see everybody! I can't believe it has been 20 years. Any other day I would say, "I don't feel like I could be old enough to be going to MY 20 year reunion" but today I do feel it.
Almost 2 weeks ago we bought a Wii. I have been hearing what good exercise it is and how much fun it is. WE LOVE IT!! The first night we played every game at least once on the "Sports" and "Sports Resort." I beat Robert at boxing. It is quite the workout. My arms were sore for 3 or 4 days. I'm so glad we got it.

Tomorrow I have my first ever jury duty. I'm a little freaked out. I guess this could make for a great post!! The last time we went to this courthouse was to pay a speeding ticket for Robert 4 years ago, and we laughed so hard. The people watching was fabulous! I wasn't sure if I wanted to be the lady behind the glass or not. The excuses people came up with for why they got their citation and why they didn't think it was fair was hilarious! The lady just sat there quite robot-like and repeated "That will be One hundred eighty-two dollars and fifty cents" ......... "But I had to get my dog to the vet! She was having puppies all over the back seat and the officer wouldn't listen, and they said to take it up with courthouse, and what would you do if your dog was having puppies all over the back seat! You would drive 82 in 55 too! They said to take it up with the courthouse!"......."That will be One hundred eighty-two dollars and fifty cents" and on, and on. Each person that walked up had a great story, and felt that THIS was the place to state their case. We got to the point where we started playing "Guess the infraction, guess the excuse." You would have thought they had Judge Judy behind the glass. They actually had a lady that was probably making slightly above minimum wage, and really didn't give a $hit sitting behind the glass. Everybody had their crying kids and their excuses recited like a soap opera. I could see the logic: Multiple crying children under the age of 3 + GREAT story= I get to keep my One hundred eighty-two dollars and fifty cents. WRONG AGAIN. That equation may work IF you fight the ticket IN THE COURT, but it doesn't work AT THE GLASS WINDOW. Maybe I came up with an idea! Zephyrhills has a drive thru "git er done" marriage place, maybe I should open a drive thru "git er done" court. Just an idea. I do think that the "lady behind the glass" should write a coffee table book of good and not-so-good excuses for speeding and other traffic violations. *** I had to add this one: We were at a local outdoor mall and a well dressed blond lady driving a BMW was complaining that she was getting a ticket. The meter was empty. She said, and I quote: "I thought the meters were for DONATIONS." I am not making this up. She is either A) a BAD lair B) REALLY dumb C) not a charitable giver or D) All of the above.

Well, we shall see what tomorrow brings. Shannon

1 comment:

Marcus said...

If you don't have the Wii Fit yet, it is an absolute essential, especially if you want more exercise benefits. It is amazing!!!! You will not believe what it can put you through.

Have fun with jury duty. You have a fairly small chance of actually getting picked. Can't wait to hear what happens!