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Saturday, January 15, 2011

A Funny Memory.

Yesterday was Mama's 21st birthday again. She took off work and she and Daddy went to Vicksburg, which is a very usual way for her to celebrate her 21st birthdays. I called at 6:45am Mississippi time to sing to her, which is a big tradition in our family. Every family member calls and sings their own rendition of HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Occasionally I have to leave it on the answering machine, which scares the Bejesus out of me because I can't sing and I don't want it to "come back to haunt me" later. When I called, I "beeped in" on Dana, Clint and Ryan's call. Mama was awake (thank goodness) so we chatted while I drove to work about their plans for the day. Well, my phone rang at work and it was Mama. She was calling to inform me that they "made a wrong turn" (not likely since they have been to Vicksburg 1 million times) and ended up in Louisiana. She said "Guess where?" If I had made a "wrong turn" I would have ended up in New Orleans, but she hates New Orleans, so I knew that wasn't it. She informed me that she was in Tallulah, Louisiana at Daiquiri World. Here is the Daiquiri World story:
When Daddy worked on Eagle Lake for 9 years, Mama and I would go exploring. We kept hearing this ADORABLE commercial for "Daiquiri World in Tallulah" and it sounded FUN!! In our minds it was cute, had lots of pastel neon lights, and was just a happy place! That is what the commercial made it sound like! (I saw a "Fat Tuesday" later and thought "That is what I expected from Daiquiri World") Well, one Saturday we decided to try it out, so we drove to Tallulah and found Daiquiri World. We wouldn't believed it was the right place except it had a crappy old hand painted sign that let us know this was it. It was a little old tin shop with no windows, no neon. There were a few women coming out, which should have been a sign of what was to come. Lets say, If the blue eyeshadow factory exploded, these women would not have been able cope emotionally. We walked past the BLUE eyeshadow "ladies" and walked into the door. It was so dark inside, then the door slammed behind us. It took a few minutes for our eyes to adjust and we were locked arm in arm. Of course everyone turned to look at us. We were in! It was full of "seedy looking characters" and we looked like Quakers in our turtle necks and jeans. One guy walked by and said "Nice vest" to me. Mama thought he said "Nice chest" so she was ready to get the hell out as soon as our eyes adjusted. We turned around and walked out. Mama decided that since we had driven over here, we should at least go through the DRIVE THRU for a daiquiri. (I don't know if they still have a drive thru, but it was a big Mississippi/Louisiana thing to have drive thru beer barns and alcohol.) When we drove up, Mama (using her sweet southern voice) told the "lady" (who was hanging out of a hole in the side of the tin building like a trucker and had a cigarette hanging out of the corner of her lips) " We would like 2 strawberry daiquiris. This is our first time to come to Daiquiri World. You see we drove over from Vicksburg because we heard the commercial." The "lady" said in her gravely voice, "Yeah, I just saw y'all walk in the front door and leave." Of course she saw us. We sipped our daiquiris and headed back to Eagle lake laughing. This was another "Griswold adventure" that didn't turn out at all like we expected, but we lived to tell the story. Happy Birthday Mama and thanks for so many funny and wonderful memories!! I love you!

1 comment:

Marcus said...

How in the hell have I never heard this story before??!!