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Monday, June 29, 2009

The Sadness Continues!

I am sad, of course about Farrah and MJ, Ed and David Carradine (note to self: don't put on fishnets, and diddle myself while choking. It's just a bad idea, plus your family has to answer a lot of questions!), but Billy Mays!!! I LOVE me some "as seen on TV" crap!! I have mentioned this in the past!! I went into the "As seen on TV" store in Orlando, and when the doors opened, I heard the H alleluia Chorus!! I kept telling people "Oh I have that and it is wonderful! And that too!" I have the Hercules Hooks, Ped egg, Mighty putty, Fabric glue stuff, Hair remover pads, topsy turvy, shark steamer, pet pedicure thing (Pippin won't use it! It freaks her out) and I'm sure I am forgetting something!! What are we going to do?? Who will peddle crap?? His sidekick doesn't have the UMPH! that Billy had! How weird to be bopped on the head in a airplane and die soon after! It was his time. God rest all of their souls!! Shannon
PS- We are still riding. I haven't missed a day of riding in 3 weeks!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Productive Morning!

I took Robert to work, mowed the yard, sprayed RoundUp on all the stuff I want to die in the yard, cleaned out the shelves above my washer and dryer and took my Management and Supervision final all before 11:15 AM!! Shannon
PS- I got a lot more done today. We met Robert and Brian for dinner and a movie. We saw "The Hangover" which was absolutely hilarious!! I can't wait to buy it and see what things in the background I missed. When we got home there was a little white dog running around the front yard. MY LITTLE WHITE DOG PIPPIN!!! I almost had a heart attack! She is old, blind, and not the brightest dog! She must have slipped out while I was unloading the car and she stayed out for 4 hours!! She didn't even have her collar on! The screen porch door was open so the cats could run in and out, so I hope she spent most of the time there. From now on we will have a "Pippin Check" every time we leave the house. We were lucky this time!! She is quite tired right now, so she must have been running around a lot!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Friday, glorious Friday!

I'm sitting here watching Farrah's Story, which is such an honest, raw and open look into terminal illness. Having been in hospice for over 7 years, I have seen this story played out time and time again. Fortunately for my sanity (in some ways) I have been somewhat "removed" from the rawness of it since being in the office for the last several months. I took so many of my patients illnesses personally and suffered so deeply when they suffered, but I covered really well until I got home. I'm not sure I am ready to see this, but I'm going to watch it. Sorry to be a downer.
On a happy note, I got my hair colored, cut and styled this evening and it took 3 hours! I have never had someone take that much time on me!! She took 40 minutes just to blow dry it!! It was so relaxing!
On a funny/silly note, today I got irritated that a coworker wasn't listening to me, so I tried to get his attention by "falling out" on the floor, kicking a little, and moaning and he STILL didn't pay attention!! I feel like Bruce Willis in 'The Sixty Sense." What do you have to do to get a little attention?? My coworker Debbie just laughed! I did a reenactment later and he said, " I can't believe I didn't see you?'' It was pretty funny and a great stress reliever after a stressful week. We had puppies in the office at closing time, so that was fun too!
I wasn't able to go biking tonight because of bad weather, but we did 3 miles this morning. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! Shannon
Ok, I just got a little nostalgic and watched "We Are the World." What a great song and how impressive that so many artists got together in 1985 to do something so different. I also remembered how much my brother-in-law Clint looks like the young Kenny Logins (mucho caliente!)

Day 17 and 18.

Yesterday was a weird day at work and out of work. We did our 2 miles before work and I took my time going into work. I got there 5 minutes early instead of my usual 30-45 minutes early. It was nice to break the pattern for multiple reasons. Work was challenging as usual. It was very sad during the day when we heard that Farrah had passed away. I still remember the red bathing suit picture with the "happy boobs." I still haven't watched Farrah's story yet. I've got to be in the right frame of mind, and I'm not there right now. I got a text from my friend Jeanne saying that Michael Jackson had died! 2 in 1 day! and Ed McMahon to boot this week! How sad! Whatever your view of MJ, everyone my age was effected by his music and music videos in some way. We danced to his music and tried desperately to "moon walk." When I got my glasses for the first time he was paired with Pepsi and the sparkly silver glove was on the Pepsi billboards. When I put the glasses on I COULD SEE THE SPARKLES!! It was amazing!! I hope their families find peace that transcends all pain.
We just got back from a 3 mile ride and I'm SO glad it is Friday. We went to the Casino last night with Robert's friend Dennis to make up for missing last Friday due to a "come apart." We had a blast, but I'm a little tired. Mama taught me not to go out on a "school night." It was hard to roll out of the bed to ride, but we did it. I'm getting my hair cut and colored today. It is long overdue. Have a great Friday! Shannon

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Days 15 and 16.

I rode yesterday morning, but Robert blew a tire yesterday and it was late by the time we got it fix. We rode this morning and this afternoon. Riding has been a blessing and a great stress reliever. I think there would have been bloodshed if not for biking.
You know how you run across something unexpectedly and it sparks something in the back of your mind?? Well, a few days ago while cleaning out the garage, I saw a copy of my resume. It didn't mean much to me at the time, but the last few days have really got me thinking. When the benefits are outweighed by the negatives it may be time to start looking around. I am keeping my eyes open and my heart open to other opportunities. I can only be taken advantage of as much as I let myself be taken advantage of. I am going to be prayerfully open-minded. Shannon

Monday, June 22, 2009

Day 14.

This morning we rode 3 miles and after a long day of cleaning out the garage Robert rode another 7 miles with me. That makes 10 miles for me and about 15 for him, because he rode some while I was at work. I needed the ride because it was a crazy and irritating day. It amazes me what people will call in over and not think twice about. It also amazes me that management doesn't notice that some people are always at work, while others find every reason not to come to work, or not to stay at work.
I also got a call from an irate family member wondering where her family member was, since *****disclaimer: I am not making this up***** the crematory said her family member was not dead and was not there. She wanted to know what I did with the patient. I have never seen the patient and therefore didn't know what happened. I tried to call people, but ended up taking her phone number. During my 20 minute butt chewing, the crematory was trying to call her and say that they had made a mistake. A MISTAKE!! Putting pickles on a burger you ordered with no pickles is a MISTAKE!! Telling someone their loved one is not dead and not there when they are in fact dead and in fact there is a travesty!!! That my friends, is just one of the crazy stories of today!! One more for the books!! I need a vacation!!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Day 13.

It is hot!! I was able to ride 3 miles this morning. We are going to Anna Maria Island this afternoon after Robert gets off of work. We won't be able to spend much time there because we both have to work in the morning, but at least we are able to go down there for Father's Day. I just talked to Daddy. I wish they lived closer so we could spend these holidays with them. I miss Mama and Daddy. Happy Father's Day Daddy!! You are the best!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Attack of the back!

I'm writing this laying on the floor because when I was cleaning this morning I bent over and when I tried to straighten up, my low back locked and starting hurting really bad. It is the left side now and slightly above where it was in February. I'm icing and laying on my back with my legs up. CRAP!! I was going to ride this evening after some major house cleaning. Hopefully something will happen and my back will quit hurting. Shannon
PS- I was able to do some cleaning and rode 3 miles. This time my back hurts WAY more after sitting, but if I can tough it out for 20 minutes of pain, it gets better and I am able to walk.

Day 11.

Rode 2 miles in the morning. My work computer screamed and died early in the day, and everything went downhill from there. The whole day (and night) was "one of those days." Shannon

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Day 10.

Despite crappy weather I was able to get in 2 rides today. This morning Robert and I did 2.5 miles and I was able to do another 2.5 miles tonight between rains. Our friend Robert V is about to come by and look at the house RIGHT NEXT DOOR to rent!! ( HA HA! Marcus and Lo, I am stealing your yard boy!!!! HA HA HA!! evil laugh!) This would be wonderful encouragement to keep the house clean and straightened up. We'll see!! Shannon

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Day 9,

Rain + Thunder + Lightning= No Bike Riding this afternoon! I'm so upset! Robert and I rode 2.5 miles this morning, but I'm out of luck this afternoon! My routine is blown again! The positive is that "So You Think You Can Dance!" comes on tonight and I can't wait!! I just let the cats in because of the bad weather. They are FREAKED out!! Pippin is actually much calmer than usual. I usually sleep really well in this type of weather, so I am hopeful that I will get a great night sleep. Have a great night!! Shannon

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Day 8: What OCD Does for Me!

I have been attending a "Mindfulness and Meditation" class for the last 3 Tuesdays. Last week after 2 hours of yoga I bought a bike and started riding for the first time in over 20 years. Today, 1 week later, after the 2 hour class, we rode 7 miles, for a total of 9.5 miles today. We took the night off last night, since we were both exhausted and the weather was bad (as I wrote earlier.) My OCD causes me to get into a serious schedule and stick with it, so skipping last night threw me off a bit.
I REALLY needed the Meditation/Mindfulness class and 7 mile bike ride after today! I had back to back CRAZY calls today to top off the day. One was a complete repeat of a conversation I had already had with a pt 2 hours earlier (same pt, same comments) who is younger than me, so it's not a Alzheimer's issue! Plus the pt had had the SAME conversation with another person in the office between my calls with her! She had NO recollection of the calls!! Then I got a call about a pt hearing voices in their head that they couldn't understand. I made a remark to the nurse that maybe it was speaking in a foreign language (We must have a sense of humor about things, or we will go crazier!) I later found out the pt was pretty sure the voices were saying curse words. One more for our book "We can't Make this Sh*T up!" It's never dull around our office!!
Robert is going to ride with me on the early ride in the morning!! Yeah!! Love, Shannon
PS- I want a lab after I saw one on one of my friend's facebook page! Isn't it sweet???

Day 7, not so exciting.

I rode 2 miles before work yesterday, but the weather was terrible on the way home and much of the evening AND we were tired, so we took the afternoon off. I felt much more rested this morning, so I've already done my ride this morning, about 2 1/2 miles. Shannon

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Day 6: The Tour Expands!

Robert woke up this morning with a major case of "spunky butt" and was ready to start the "tour." I, on the other hand, woke up with a case of "lazy butt" and wanted to rest. I find it difficult to get going when I'm in this mode, BUT once I get going I feel so much better! We decided to ride a different route today. The tour was 7 miles!! I can't believe I did that in one ride, since it took me 2 rides yesterday to do that much. My butt hurt some when I first started this morning, but it quickly went away, or went numb. It is so nice to have someone to exercise with. Our plan is to ride Flatwoods(11miles) soon and the Pinellas Trail (38 miles) which is Downtown St Pete to Tarmpon Springs in the future. Mr Spunky Butt wants to do that soon, I want to work up to that LATER. I can feel the decubitus starting already. Each day that I ride longer I actually think it is possible. Shannon
PS- Tonight we did another 5 miles, so the grand total for today is 12 miles!! That's like riding from Mama and Daddy's house to Belzoni!! Hot Damn I'm good!!! I'm feeling really good right now. Hootie Whooo to endorphins!! I started taking vitamins again today. I hope my weight starts to go down or I'm gonna be pissed!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Day 5-Continued Tour de Meadowpoint.

Today I rode 2 miles this morning, then this evening after Robert and I went to dinner and to see "Land of the Lost" (which I will get back to later) we went for a 5 mile ride to the end of Countyline Road and back. I'm still not comfortable riding in the bike lane of the street, so I ride on the sidewalk. My confidence is building though. It is nice to feel my energy level increasing again. I have got to get into better shape and lose weight if we are EVER going to consider having children. Each day I am going to try to do a little more.
Back to "Land of the Lost": it was funny. A lot of the main funny parts were on the commercials. Will Ferrell is just not right.
I talked to Mama today, and I guess we won't be making the Mississippi trip in July. I'm a little disappointed, but in many ways I would rather go in the fall, (which I have mentioned is my favorite time of year in Mississippi) and see Mama, Daddy, Josie, Dumplin and home. We are supposed to go to North Carolina in October for our 1 year anniversary, so maybe we can "swing" by there. I want to bring back a lot of my pictures that I left at home.
Everyone enjoy the rest of the weekend! Shannon

Friday, June 12, 2009

Day 4- Tour de Meadowpoint.

I am officially a cyclist now! Just joking. We rode this morning at 6am, which was really nice. Tonight we rode to a Greek restaurant up the road, ate, and rode back. That was really great. It decreases the appetite and made me feel better. Robert rode to Walmart and back, and to Walmart and back again today while I was at work for a total of 8 miles, not including what he rode with me. (He doesn't LOVE walmart, he just forgot his wallet the first time and had to go back.) I would have said, "To hell with it" but he was determined. I'm going to ride tomorrow while he is at work. I'm still not steady enough or confident enough to ride on Bruce B Downes, because I'm not ready to die unnecessarily. I'm working on it, though. I swurve when I try to look over my shoulder. I'm a spaz!! Anyway, I will keep y'all updated!! My butt doesn't hurt anymore. Yeah!! Love,Shannon

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Bike Riding Day 3!

I went for a ride this morning at 6 am. Yesterday I was just tooooo tired after work. It was really nice this morning, although it was a little humid. It is so quiet and peaceful in the morning. Robert was right, early morning rides are very nice and relaxing. I didn't even notice my butt hurting and did not squirm as much! Maybe I'm building up my butt callouses! I hope to feel energized today!! I hope everyone has a great day. Tomorrow is Friday!! Shannon
Part II: We rode another 3.5 miles this evening after dinner, so that makes 5.5 miles today! Not too shabby for a new bike rider!! I felt really good today and my mood was much improved with the ride this morning getting my blood flowing. Robert plans on riding with me in the morning since he is off. We are really having fun riding together. Have a great night and a wonderful Friday!! I've got to get ready for "So You Think You Can Dance?" Shooby dooby dooby DANCE!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Bike Riding Day 2!

After riding for the first time in MANY MANY years, I am having some sore butt issues today. We rode over 3 miles yesterday, but today I could only tolerate 2 miles since I had done about an hour or so of yoga. Thanks to KC, I have some help with my sore butt, IF it gets out of hand. I've been sore since jumping around at Mike's party Saturday night and haven't recovered!! Tomorrow may either be MUCH better, or considerably worse in the soreness department. Only time will tell!! Much love and a whole lot of laughs (you may see me on Funniest videos with the bike riding!) Shannon

Monday, June 8, 2009

Wooo Hooo!

Shannon got her bike today and it was so much fun riding with her. We rode about 3 miles today and I really look forward to spending a lot more time with her riding. I have tried to explain some of the wacky stuff I see riding to work at 3 a.m., armadillos, raccoons, assorted wildlife and the other morning of in the distance you could see the sky lighting up with streaks of lightning. I am just so happy to be able to share my passion for riding with her.
Here she is riding her new bike. Ain't she cute!! I love her!!

(This is actually Shannon putting this up. A little self deprecating humor never hurt anyone!! )

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Surprise!! Mike Turned 40!!

Jeanne pulled off the most wonderfully perfect surprise 40th birthday party for Mike last night!! He was expecting to go to dinner, but first they needed to go to "a hospice fundraiser/meet-n-greet." (That was how Jeanne got him to the party location.) He was Shocked!! We had decorated the place, had a dj, and LOTS of wonderful food and friends. (The funny thing was that last year I was the one surprised!! We got engaged on Mike's birthday last year at Leroy Selman's.) The music was wonderful. My legs hurt from jumping around barefoot on the concrete. You would think that I would learn after all these years!! It was so much fun, but has taken all day for me to recouparate. Anyway, Happy Birthday Mike and great job Jeanne!!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

UP is a must see!!

Tonight we went to see UP with friends. I wanted to see it from the moment I saw the first preview, and even more after the review from Marcus. Here is how he describes it:

* Sometimes dreams get unexpectedly postponed.
And sometimes they don't come true at all.

* Life involves loss, and it sucks. (This movie does not avoid the subject of loss or disappointment, or sugar coat life's sadness, loss, lack of involvement of people who should be significant to us, etc.)

* Sometimes the people that we think are heroes are really just assholes.

* We don't have to accept things that are being forced upon us.

* The end of one chapter does not mean that the book is finished.
Turn the page and see what happens next.

* Friends can often take the place of, and do a better job than, absent family. This reminds me of an anonymous quote that I recently saw and LOVE:
"Friends are God's way of apologizing to us for our families."

* Sometimes it is necessary to dump our baggage and make a new start.

Every one of these points is represented in the most heartwarming and gripping way. It is visually one of the most beautiful films I have seen. It is Pixar, but at times you think it is true scenery. It makes you cry, think, laugh, sigh, everything a movie should do!!
I will be buying it when it comes out on DVD!! The short film before it was the cutest, sweetest, and set the mood for the movie!! I loved it so much!! This movie is wonderful for adults and children and full of excellent life lessons!! Shannon and Robert