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Saturday, June 27, 2009

Productive Morning!

I took Robert to work, mowed the yard, sprayed RoundUp on all the stuff I want to die in the yard, cleaned out the shelves above my washer and dryer and took my Management and Supervision final all before 11:15 AM!! Shannon
PS- I got a lot more done today. We met Robert and Brian for dinner and a movie. We saw "The Hangover" which was absolutely hilarious!! I can't wait to buy it and see what things in the background I missed. When we got home there was a little white dog running around the front yard. MY LITTLE WHITE DOG PIPPIN!!! I almost had a heart attack! She is old, blind, and not the brightest dog! She must have slipped out while I was unloading the car and she stayed out for 4 hours!! She didn't even have her collar on! The screen porch door was open so the cats could run in and out, so I hope she spent most of the time there. From now on we will have a "Pippin Check" every time we leave the house. We were lucky this time!! She is quite tired right now, so she must have been running around a lot!

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