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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Our First Trip: Part II

O.k., when we left off we were all soaking wet wandering around the French Market. Well, after a few phonecalls, we found out most everyone would be meeting at Pat O'Briens before dinner. We all made it to Pat's and what a crew. We first met in the piano bar where we got to meet the rest of the group. We then proceeded out to the patio where I had the distinct pleasure of meeting Kevin, who just flew in on his private plane from the Cayman Islands just to grace us with his presence. BTW, his pilot was waiting for him at the plane. (If I sound a little biased please stay tuned for the conclusion of this evening) It's time for dinner. Please, if anyone can help me I cannot for the life of me remember the first restaurant we tried to get into. (Thanks Marcus for the info, it was Mr. B's Bistro, I gotta try this place.) Due to the fact we had some people some straight from the airport, in shorts and hats, we would not be admitted into the first restaurant so we ended up at Brennan's. I will never be able to say enough about this place. They took us in, I think about 20 of us? No reservations, shorts, ball caps and a Friday night. We had the whole room to ourselves and what a meal. Cass, I know you so enjoyed your snails from Slidell, and also discovering the wonderful truth that you can put garlic and butter on anything (edited) and it will taste good. Ivan and Alfred, I hope you guys remember the debate on how to cook tongue Ivan, and Alfred's rebuttal on how you can $@!* #& cooking a pork chop. I just want to thank everyone that was there. I had the one of the best and most memorable dinners of my life. All of you made me feel so welcome. Enough sentiments for now. We gotta mention the Bananas Foster. To those who don't know.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bananas Foster is a dessert made from bananas and vanilla ice cream, with the sauce made from butter, brown sugar, cinnamon, dark rum, and banana liqueur. The butter, sugar and bananas are cooked, and then the alcohol is added and ignited. The bananas and sauce are then served over the ice cream. Preparation of the dish is often made into a tableside performance as a flambe.

The dish was created in 1951 by Paul Blangé at Brennan's Restaurant in New Orleans, Louisiana. It was named for Richard Foster, a friend of Owen Brennan's and New Orleans Crime Commission chairman. It is still served at a number of fine restaurants in New Orleans and other fine restaurants around the world.

They prepare it at the table and need I say more? We closed the place at after 1:00 a.m. I just want to say our waiter was one of the best I have ever had. He put up with a lot (Kevin). I guess Kevin had to meet his pilot at the airport ASAP. Like I said, one of the best dining experiences I have ever had including the company at the table and the excellent service and food. Until next time.


To those of you wondering Kevin tried to walk out on the bill without paying. Our waiter, in a tux, chased his ass down the street and actually caught him. He had ordered a very expensive bottle of wine and sent it back as well. It turns out it was all a story. Kevin had flown in on Southwest Airlines and could not even pay for his meal. 'Nuff said.


Marcus said...

I think that the first restaurant was probably Mr. B's Bistro ( It's another fantastic New Orleans place, and I hope that you get to eat there in the not-too-distant future.

I'll never, ever get over the disappointment of not getting to be there. As one of the primary planners of the weekend, it really sucked that everyone got to have a great time without me. And the worst part was that the wind hardly even blew here from Hurricane Dennis. We were all boarded up, with a Cat. 4 hurricane making landfall 2 counties away, and you would have never known it at my house. Of course, when we had to make the decision to go into full hurricane-prep mode, it looked very likely that Dennis would land at our door, and I should be happy that he missed us by about 60 miles. But, he screwed up an event that was very important to me, and it can't be duplicated.

I'm glad that you can look back on the Kevin experience with humor. He is quite a piece of work. I lived with the idiot for 3 semesters before getting my fill, and figuring out that he is just a habitual liar. He can only feel good about himself if he makes up wild stories about his finances & connections, but none of it is true. It's really very sad. I'll be perfectly happy to never encounter him again.

Shannon Outlaw-Kimsey said...

Thanks Marcus, I just wanted to make sure I portrayed this correctly. (about Kevin). I truly could have gone into the way he tasted and refused the wine, but I think wine aficionados would have had a stroke when he sniffed the cork of the wine he sent back. I will ad Mr. B's to our links and I will have to go as well. Thanks

Unknown said...

ahh but the sheer entertainment of watching a man chased down the street and found out for his stupidity, how can you beat it?