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Sunday, September 7, 2008

One Month And Five Days to Go!!

MAN!!! This has been one busy and productive weekend. We went to Treasure Island Saturday to order the cake and run some errands! We are getting our cake from the Publix 1 mile up the street from the beach house and we are their FIRST wedding cake (they opened one week ago.) The cake is going to be so cute and UNIQUE, just like our wedding. We checked out parking, (see parking info to the left), and went to Gators at John's Pass. It was really good, just too much Gator stuff!! (GO FIGURE!!) We went to Robert's condo and worked for a few hours cleaning carpets. We've been trying to get his stuff integrated into here. That is very tough for 2 people our age to decide what is a "gotta keep" and what is a "gotta go." I have also been thinning out my stuff to be fair. We are cleaning and getting prepared for my shower this weekend and for family to come into town. It is going to be a lot of fun. Today we spent cleaning, mowing, and getting stuff ready. Pippin is getting along quite well with the cats, well actually with one cat (Katie, the oldest one.) She rubs on Pippin and flips over on her side to play. She even did the kitty head butt thing they do, and Pippin shook her head as if to say "What the hell??" This AMAZES me!!! None of our Jack Russel's have ever tolerated cats. I think she's too old and blind to give a crap, although she'll try to sneak a nip in here and there. Well, I smell like a billy goat from sweating all day, so I'm going to take a bath before the neighbors complain!

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