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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas Already!!

As I look back on what has been a very eventful year for us, I can't believe 2008 is almost over. It started out, well, BORING! We had a little party with Bobby, Laura, Mike, Jeanne and Mikey, ate a lot and shot a few fireworks. (Disclaimer: The company was not boring, I was just very tired and went to bed really close to 12:01am). I have to laugh because I've always wanted this romantic, wild and crazy New Years, but when it boils down to it, I JUST CAN'T HANG!!! For me it was ANOTHER holiday without a ring, knowing that I would be interrogated when I returned to work. The first half of the year was mostly uneventful with a lot of hard work, putting down wood laminate floors, new carpet, and house stuff. Then June came and all hell broke loose!!! I just realized I have never told the proposal story!!! Here goes: We went out for Mike's birthday (6-7-08, easy to remember) to Leroy Selman's. We weren't sure if we were going to be able to have the party that night or the next weekend (or so I thought) so we waited to hear from Jeanne (who usually calls when she leaves Dade City to give me plenty of time to get ready.) We were supposed to meet at 7:45pm, but the phone rang at 7pm AND THEY WERE ALREADY THERE!!! I had just gotten out of the shower, my hair was soaking wet and I was pissed!!! Rewind about 2 hours and I had gotten a call from a friend of mine asking if I was engaged, etc, so as you can imagine, I was double pissed!!! I was late (which I have OCD which prevents this from ever happening) and I've just had an aggrivating conversation for the umpteenth time, I'm wet and nowhere near ready! Somehow I got ready in about 15 minutes, put on a very cute dress, and got it together. Oh, I was triple pissed because Robert was supposed to plan a date day for us, and we MOWED AND EDGED THE YARD!!! Anyway, we arrived and ate like we were starving!! The food was outstanding as usual. We had a blast! Then Mike's cake came, and it was PINK, PURPLE AND WHITE!! Mike is not a pink kind of a guy, so all I could think was "He's not going to think this is funny!!" Then they put the cake in front of me, yet another mistake (I thought)!! Then I read it: "Shannon, Will you marry me?" It had Cinderella, the castle, a glass slipper, and a huge play ring with a heart shaped diamond. I always wanted to get engaged in front of the castle, and I always said that if a man gave me a heart shaped diamond, I would barf!! I was SHOCKED!!! I turned around and Robert was on one knee with my ring in his hand!! I cried!! Then I realized everyone was in on it and a part of it, which was really cool!!! I've never had a suprise anything!! It was amazing!! As soon as the shock wore off, the planning began!! The frenzy was fun, exhausting, and absolutely the most memorable thing I could wish for. Four months of planning, dress shopping, beach house hunting, hotel hunting, cruise shopping, cooking, making decorations, invitations, programs, music lists, showers, gifts,...... It was one unforgettable whirlwind!! In the midst of which Robert had to switch jobs and I was informed that my supervisor would be leaving and I applied for and was hired for her position. One change at a time would be nice, but we have to change everything at once!!! I guess that is what God had in store for us. The wedding was everything I had wished for. The cruise was so restful and addicting!! 2008 will be remembered for a lot of negative things because of the economy. It will also be remembered as a very historic time with the Presidential election, the Olympics and Michael Phelps,  but for me, I will remember it as "our year." It will always be great year to me!! Ups, downs and everything in between!!! I only wish I could have spent any part of the holiday season with anyone in my family!! That makes me sad, but I'm going to make the best of it and pray that we can all be together in February in Miami!!!
We hope that you all have a wonderful Christmas and may 2009 find you happy, healthy, and richly blessed!!! We love y'all!!!! Shannon and Robert (Pippin, Katie, Misty, Chip and Dale)

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