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Friday, April 23, 2010

A Week Later, and Still Processing!

One week ago at this very moment, we were deeply enthralled in conversation with classmates, some that I haven't seen in 20ish years, and if Heaven is any better, I want to go TODAY! It was a cleansing of the soul for me that I have needed desperately!! My outlook on life is so much better, my mood is so much better, and I feel that my life is so much better because I spent a weekend with these amazing people. I plan on keeping my new-found positivity through much adversity that surrounds me. I am still processing, and will continue to as the photos and photo comments are posted. We are already planning the 25th reunion and a mini-reunion in a couple of years to pull Marcus out of the brink of certain despair as he turns 40! I am having some sadness/withdrawals from the fun!! I learned this weekend that I can stay up past 11pm, and I can have a lot of fun!! (Now I must rest up!) Thanks to everyone who shared a wonderful weekend with us! It was far too short!
*** I had to add another thought: We are so blessed to have each other! As a talk incessantly about our reunion, I run across more and more people who say, "I haven't been to any of my reunions and don't plan on ever going. I didn't like those people and why would I want to see them now?" Wow!! What a sad thing!! We are missing each other so much, and there are people out there (who went to other schools) who don't care about each other and have only negative memories of high school. I only wish they could love their classmates like I do!! I miss y'all!! I am so glad that we had our reunion last weekend and not this weekend! The people of Yazoo City are in my thoughts and prayers. That is so close to home!


Robert said...

Positivity? Is that a word? Google has 3,120,00 results for positivity.
I'm pretty sure the very remarkable Cass would have said the same thing. Wicked Cool! Rock on!

Marcus said...

Certain despair is a very accurate description. I mean, seriously, FORTY???? I remember when my mother turned 40, and knew even then that that was a serious milestone. I'm not ready to say goodbye to my youth! I know that it's pretty much gone already, but forty is the moment when you wave goodbye to it as it passes beyond the horizon. I'm not ready!!

A cruise with my people will be a soothing balm, though. Even if I am catatonic at the time. Just promise to turn me every once in a while so as to prevent sunburn.