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Sunday, September 14, 2008

My Big Shower

I'm going to try to find the words to express my feelings about this weekend (the shower, boys' get together, and girls' night out) but I'm tired and don't have a thesaurus so be patient with me. I'm in shock and in awe of the generosity of all of my friends, family, co-workers, and future in-laws. I am in constant awareness of how expensive EVERYTHING is and how making ends meet is getting more and more challenging. I am a giver. As a nurse, you have to be. Taking care of people and giving of my time, love, energy, etc comes very natural to me. On the other hand, receiving is something I have always struggled with. I worry about how people do without and inconvenience themselves to give to me. I feel so blessed at the generosity of everyone in wanting to celebrate with Robert and me! This is overwhelming!!! We are the most fortunate two people in the world! We have found each other, and have found so many wonderful friends that it is hard to express our feelings. The shower was absolutely beautiful. All of our family and friends worked so hard to make this so much more than a shower!! It was a celebration of US!!! We are forever indebted to Dana, who is so talented and creative that she can take a clubhouse and turn it into paradise. Jeanne, Laura, Cher, and Dee have been working on this forever!! Dee let us have a lot of decorations she had, which added amazing touches!! Everyone at the shower pitched in to set up, clean up, and help out!! WHAT TEAMWORK!!! The food was amazing!! Robert kept Nicole and Rian so the girls could go out dancing!! We had so much fun and I love how willing he was to take care of them!! The guys ate here and played Madden 09 football. We girls went to Stumps Supper Club, Howl at the Moon, then Stumps again. We danced and laughed and sweated our butts off!! Dana, Laura, Jeanne and Cher provided "accessories" for everyone to wear and it was so cute and tasteful!! I was SO afraid of some of the batchelorette stuff that I have seen with weiners and tacky stuff, but we looked like princesses, and one Elvis(KC!!) We all made it home safely and at a respectable hour (between midnight and 1am) and no woman was left behind! Lots of pictures were taken! It was so awesome to get all the people in my life together, so they could see how wonderful everyone is!! Robert and I are going through gifts and looking at all the great stuff we have received!! We used some of our gift cards tonight!! That is so much fun!! Thanks again to EVERYONE!!!

We love y'all!!!
Shannon and Robert!
The Clubhouse after Dana got done with it! Amazing!!


Unknown said...

YOu deserve it girl!!!
I Remember part of a presentation by Dr. Elizabeth Kubler Ross(for those of you that don't know her, she is the mother of the 5 stages of death and dying...all that bargaining, denial, etc stuff) stuck and funny enough I brought it up with Tom Beason this morning at brunch. She said, "In this life...before you leave this place... you must learn to give as well as to receive." Being a Hospice nurse, you're living the giving part and your patients, some are learning the receiving part...and for some...the hard way.
By your sweet blog, I see you're doing just fine in the receiving part by your sincere shock and awe...and gratitude. It is so much fun to go through the crazed frenzy that I have and wrap up the weekend by reading your new entry.
I love you and I love all the help everyone gave, including our shower guests and mostly to Robert. I am so very thankful that he is big and strong, that he stepped in during the crunch, that he figured out the car seat removal and that he enjoyed himself and was so patient with all of us.
What a team you work with....what a team that loves you....what a team that parties with you.
My goal was to make you feel like the special girl that you matter what age you are as a bride to should feel special and loved. YOu are so very loved.
Now off my mushy/serious box and onto the most important question, Are you going to have to nads to put up the picture of the group of co-workers next to your blog?...No the one of the boob grabbin?
Yea, that it. What a mulligan....can't even top this party!!! So, this aint no dress rehearsal kid, enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!!!
Love you,
YOur big Sister....sorry....your "younger" sister:)

Anonymous said...

I ain't skeered!! I've got to get my pictures developed today, and have to teach Kc how to put her pics on a disk!! Then it's on!! Thanks again for everything and for the wonderful comment!! I love you so much!!! Shannie

Anonymous said...

There is nothing more enjoyable than a gathering of dignified,well mannered ladies.Pictures to follow.

Anonymous said...

Wrong party!! We weren't that group at all!!