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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Today is January 13th.

Tomorrow is Mama's birthday!!! Happy Birthday Mama!! We can't wait to see you in February!!!  Now, to the OTHER reason for my post.  It is January 13th, and I can't seem to bring myself to take down our Christmas tree.  There are several reasons that it is still up, among these: it is too pretty to take down, it is too depressing to take it down, I like it, I'm too lazy to take it down, I don't know where I'm going to put it with all my stuff and Robert's stuff in the garage, It's going to look empty without it, and lastly: I think Pippin "buried" a cornbread muffin behind it and I'm not sure if she ever went to retrieve it.  This is by far the latest I've ever left any tree up.  Usually I wait until Jan 6th-ish.  I think I'm going to make it a "multi-holiday/multi-season" tree.  I'm not 100% on that decision.  I'm hoping I'll get a burst of energy and enthusiasm and decide to take it down, OR maybe I'll come home one day and it will be in it's box!!  (I'm just joking!!  I have very old and fragile ornaments and I'm a control freak about them!!  I'm having flashbacks of Dana and Clint's Christmas/housewarming party where Clint tried to straighten the tree and ended up breaking all but 4 of Dana's old ornaments!  Dana was pregnant and I thought all three of us were going to have heart attacks!!  That doesn't need to be repeated!  I hope someone else still has their tree up!!  Love, Shannon

1 comment:

Marcus said...

It's Mardi Gras season now! Cover that bitch in green, gold, purple, and lots of beads and let it ride until Lent!