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Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Great Movies!!

We watched "The Bucket List" last night and it was wonderful!  I love Morgan Freeman not only because he is a Mississippi guy, but also because I remember him from Electric Company and he makes me want to hug him.  He reminds me of my Mama's stories about her Uncle Allen and Aunt Rosie, an elderly black couple who lived in front of my grandparents house and let my Mama get away with murder.  They loved her so much and let her bring sick baby chicks into their house (much like I did at my Papaw's house) and let her brush their hair, even though she pulled their hair in attempts to comb it.  Anyway, "The Bucket List" was an excellent movie for anyone who wonders what they would do if given a terminal diagnosis.  I know because of my work I am drawn to these types of movies, but Robert agreed.  We also loved "The Notebook" which is an excellent look into dementia.  Since Mamaw Outlaw had dementia for many years (around 20 years) it really stuck a nerve with me.  I've heard people say that it is unrealistic because of the ending, but that type of ending does happen on occasion.  It's happened once with my patients, and 3 times that I know of during my 7 years in hospice.  I don't want to give it away.  
I'm usually very anti-Hollywood's version of the elderly, the dying process, and death itself because of the way it leads to unrealistic expectations that people grasp as "the truth."   Any movie that makes us want to live every day as the gift it is has my vote as a good movie.  On the flip side, I'm not so sure I will be able to see "Marley and Me" because I hear it is a real bawlin' and squallin' movie.  I miss my labs Sandy, Babe, and Booboo.  Love, Shannon and Robert
PS- I forgot the last movie we saw in the theater Australia!  It was amazing!!  The child in it was such an amazing actor and was adorable!!!  It is a "must see."


Marcus said...

I enjoyed both of those movies as well! I'm wanting to get to the theater to see "The Curious Case of Benjamin Butt." My SIL saw it over the weekend, and she is a pretty harsh movie critic, and she declared it to be excellent.

Shannon Outlaw-Kimsey said...

That is one I want to see too!!! Looks amazing!