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Friday, January 2, 2009

I Love Mail!!

Today was an especially rough day at work.  I got yelled at by 2 different patients about issues I had no controll over.  I was expecting it to be rough.  Greg (my office manager) lets us wear blue jeans only around the holidays (just before or just after a holiday) so I asked Wednesday if today (Friday) was going to be a  blue jeans day.  He said I could come to work naked if I wanted to as long as I came to work since it was going to be "really bad" today.  I showed up in my cloud pj's instead.  Everybody thought I had lost it, and that was BEFORE the Sh** hit the fan!!  Anyway, when I got home I had 2 wonderful things in the mail.  The first was our photo book from Walgreens that has some of our favorite wedding/honeymoon pics in it.  If you have never done this,  I suggest you go to and make a book of favorite pictures.  It is VERY reasonable and so much fun!!!  The second thing I got in the mail was an RSVP for the wedding from Robert's cousin Brian and his wife Lori.  Now I'm not sure if it has been lost for the last 4ish months, or if Brian and Lori are playing a prank on us (they are very fun people) but I can only imagine where that card has been in the last several months if it's been "floating around."   Those 2 things made me smile and made my day so much better!!!  I hope 2009 is treating everyone well!!!  Love, Shannon and Robert

1 comment:

Jeanette said...

Sorry I left a comment under January 1st.