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Monday, March 23, 2009

Looking Forward To Spring Break!!!

I'm excited to say I have a Spring Break this year again!!! Last year I started celebrating Spring Break with Nicole, so we decided to do it again since we had so much fun. I really need a break since people are getting crazier (see previous posts.) I'm looking forward to some fun and much needed relaxation. My back is feeling better, so I'm hoping we can do a lot of fun things. Robert is in the beginning of Chiropractic visits. He has quite a bit of spinal disc degeneration too. We are 2 old sad cases. He is in the initial stages where you go from feeling way better, to feeling like someone has beat your ass!!! Robert thinks that he has been a part of the WWE (on the losing end) since Dr Burns is so strong and seemingly "jumps from the third rope" when adjusting him. I keep assuring him it will get better and he believes me.
I'm getting a bit of a farming bug. I really want to start a garden. I guess I'm an old Mississippi lady after all. We have a Topsy Turvey and are growing tomatoes. I love me some "As seen on TV" stuff!!! I'm looking at growing more herbs, cucumbers, onions, garlic, etc. We will see how this all works out.
Have a great week, and stay away from crazy people. Love, Shannon

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

St Patick's day!!

Happy St. Patty's day everybody!!! I wore my green shirt with bejeweled shamrock and Celtic cross shirt from the Christmas Parade (Christmas around the world was the theme.) I also had an Irish Princess crown. My coworkers had no idea they were in the presence of royalty!!
After 7 years and 3 months of working at the same place, I have come to the conclusion that people are getting CRAZIER!!! Not good, funny crazy, I mean YOU NEED TO BE MEDICATED!!! crazy!! I'm not sure if it is stress from the poor economy, or pesticides and hormones in food, or mad cow, or alien abduction, or WHAT, but at least the population of people I have to deal with are getting definably more insane. I'm not talking about our patients either. Generally they are the sane segment of the family. Whatever the cause is, I hope it comes to an abrupt end soon or I'm going to lose my mind. Pray for my sanity and the sanity of those around me!! Thanks!!! Now go drink your green beer!!!

Love, Shannon

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Millionaire, Parade, Mexican, Japanese, and Casino

This was the first weekend that Robert and I have been off together that we haven't gone to a wedding, or a funeral since our wedding in October. It has been really nice. Our "original plan" was to go either to Venice, FL or Orlando for the weekend to get away. Friday night we went to see Slumdog Millionaire, which was really good. Saturday morning we woke up and had to decide what to do: I had a float in the founders day parade in Zephyrhills that we needed to be on or we could scratch that and leave for wherever. We decided to do the parade since I knew there would not be a lot of people in it. We had 8 people on our float including Robert and me. I'm glad we went. After the parade we ate at a wonderful Mexican restaurant and talked about where we wanted to go. We decided on renting movies and hanging out at home.
After a much needed nap, I heard LOBSTER VOICES. This puzzled Robert until I explained that "Larry the Lobster" was calling me. Meaning: I NEED TO GO TO HARD ROCK CASINO TO PLAY LARRY THE LOBSTER!! We went to one of our favorite Japanese steakhouses "Yakamoto" and had a wonderful meal and headed toward the Hard Rock. Well, Larry the Lobster wasn't good to us, so we moved on to another game that looked like Wheel of Fortune, but I'm not sure what it was. It was fun and good to us. We doubled our money, so as it turned out our meal only cost us about $18. Not bad for a night out!! We came home and watched the movie "Fireproof" which was very good. The acting wasn't good, but the concept was very good for a married couple. It makes you stop and think about the things you should do for each other and how you should love each other instead of getting so aggravated.
Today I'm not sure what we are going to do, but I know we have another movie to watch "Nights in Rodanthe." Yes, I'm making Robert sit through a chick flick. Cher says the beach house reminds her of our wedding. It looks really beautiful. Anyway, it has been a wonderful weekend together even though we didn't go anywhere. Have a great Sunday!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Diving With Sharks.

It's so funny Shannon mentioned she never thought about sharks when she was 30 feet down on the Sea Trek. There are truly two kinds of people. Those that are freaked out be things swimming by them and those that just appreciate the wonder that they are experiencing. Shannon is one of those that I think truly appreciates and respects what she sees while diving. I would love more than anything to continue diving with her. I just had to post that I would like nothing more than to experience her learning more about and diving with the incredible array of life many never get to see in the wild.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Ready For Another Cruise.

I watched our honeymoon video tonight since Robert was at work. We had such a wonderful time and saw so many beautiful places. It was a relaxing week for us after so much hard work. I'm ready to go again. I want to go snorkeling again and would love to learn to scuba dive. I never once thought about sharks when I was in the water, which is amazing because I get freaked out by sharks. I'm keeping an eye out for good deals since it seems like people aren't traveling much. I'm not sure we will be able to do it, but it is always fun to look. I have pictures from the wedding and honeymoon at my desk to try to calm my soul. I hope everyone has a great week! Shannon

Friday, March 6, 2009

Wish We Were Still In Miami!!

I can't begin to explain how much fun we had in Miami the weekend of Tracy and Chad's wedding. It is terrible returning to "real life." We were able to see our family and friends that we haven't seen in a while. I know everyday can't be a party, but it sure seems like it can when you are there!! We are going to make Cher come over here so we can have another "girls night out/bachelorette party." Robert's idea was put names in a bowl and draw to see who gets to be the bachelorette. I think that is a great idea.
I had a new experience today. I had to do a deposition. I've been a nurse just shy of 15 years, and this was my first depo. Thank goodness it wasn't against us. I don't think I was helpful at all, but at least it wasn't a bad experience. They were nice to me. Thank goodness for Debbie (our risk manager) and Cher. They helped me so much and were so supportive. I think I will be calmer if it ever happens again, which I hope it NEVER does. I'm looking forward to sleeping well tonight since it is over.
Have a great weekend!!! Love, Shannon