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Sunday, July 26, 2009

Much Needed Break.

We had a much needed long weekend and went to St Augustine to see Joey, Joyce and Nicole. We were able to go to the beach and the pool, as well as walk on St George Street. We stopped by to see friends of mine, the Jonas'. It was great to see them. They recently celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary. We ate wonderful food at Yamoto's, JT's, and Harry T's. St Augustine has the best restaurants.
We were able to teach Nicole to ride her bike. She is a very fast learner and has great balance! I hope she practices and builds up her butt callouses so she doesn't get a sore butt every time she rides.
I don't think I talked in my sleep the last 3 nights. If I did, Robert was tired to know. We have both rested so well!! I feel rejuvenated. I hope everyone has a great week!! Shannon

Thursday, July 23, 2009

My Poor Husband!

Alright, I have a confession that some of you probably don't know: I have the WORST sleepwalking and sleeptalking problem EVER!! I have my whole life. Last night I woke Robert up several times talking about stupid stuff!! I saw the bike car carrier thing on his head and kept waking him up about it. IT SOUNDS STUPID, BUT IT WAS SO REAL TO ME. My dreams are so vivid that I can't wake myself up enough to pull out of it. He had to get up at 4am, so I think he got a little irritated with my craziness. It was funny to him for a while, but I think he is officially OVER IT! I would have been over it a long time ago if he was keeping me awake like that! He has lots of stories! We can't watch anything like Dirty Jobs, or anything too freaky or thought provoking before I sleep, or it gets worse. I'm not sure what to do about it, but it is getting worse. I don't want to pay thousands for a sleep study to say "yes, you are sleepwalking/talking, here are some pills" because I don't want to take anything. Any ideas? I take Melatonin sometimes, but I still do crazy stuff. Maybe my brain is screwed up from eating too much dirt with lots of cotton poison in it or standing outside watching the plane spray the cotton fields all those years, or maybe I ate a lot of lead paint, or the pictures I teethed on, or the mercury in my fillings, or maybe I'm just crazy! I may never know, but if I don't start sleeping better and feeling rested and letting Robert get some sleep, he may get a tranquilizer dart gun and knock me out. That actually doesn't sound so bad!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Good Times, Great Memories!!

With so many of my friends having reunions and planning our reunion, I have been thinking a lot about what, I guess, I can now call "the old days." I put on my iPod when I ride (don't worry, I only put one ear piece in) and I play our reception play list, which has EVERY kind of music from 60's, to reggae, to steal drums, to rap to recent music. When it comes to my all time "get your butt moving" music, it would have to be FOOTLOOSE! It brings back memories of putting on my walkman with my FOOTLOOSE tape, and dancing down the road, by the river and down past Mamaw's house. I wasn't a runner, or a speed walker, I was a dance-walker. I never had to worry about anyone seeing me, because it is so far out in the country, and it is so flat you can see for miles. It was great!! If it was late enough I could see fireflies and bats. I want to do that again! I also listen to Meatloaf, which is just the most timeless music! I think about cheering, and riding around with friends and singing Meatloaf songs. Fun times!

Friday, July 17, 2009


I cannot stress enough to everyone to please watch out for bike riders. On the way to work today I was cut off by a black Toyota Camry with gold pin striping ( I know it's funny what you see in slow-mo). I was never seen by the driver. I had do ditch the bike at a good clip and got a little roughed up. I am OK and the bike had a few readjustments. So sore now. I can't wait until tonight (sarcasm). It amazes me as I was walking back that no one stopped to ask if I was OK. I was, but I feel that if Shannon or I saw someone in the same situation we would at least ask if they needed anything. I am done ranting for now, it kinda hurts to type (just kidding). Riding has always made me a little more aware of others and I am sure Shannon will attest to that as well. I just wish people would slow down, just a little, and be a little more aware.


OK, now this is getting ridiculous!

Baconnaise? Spreadable bacon? You know, deep down, we all want to try it. Everyone know's that you can wrap a turd in bacon and it will taste good. I am thinking of adapting our blue cheese dressing recipe to use Gorgonzola and Baconnaise. Enjoy.

Shannon & Robert

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Robert's New Discovery.

Robert found this somehow, but I'm not sure how. It is BaconSalt. So, for all those vegetarians, Muslims, and Jews who have wanted the taste of bacon, you can now join our love of bacon. (My question is "How would these people know what bacon tastes like, and therefore, want to try it?") It sounds like something we will probably try. It seems funny. Shannon
PS- Still riding the bike everyday. Only missed 2 days due to crappy weather in over 7 weeks.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

A Nice Day!

We decided to go to the beach after church today. It was raining when we first got there, but it cleared up pretty quickly. The water was amazingly clear for the rain and bad weather. The gulf is usually flat and smooth as glass, but today it had a lot of waves. We saw 6 sting rays, lots of fish and a tiny baby cowfish. It was a great day! We must do this more often. We are so close to the beach, but we get so busy we don't go very often. Shannon

Friday, July 10, 2009


I love our new car!! It may be small, but it is wonderful!! It rides so smooth, and handles so well in rain and crappy weather (which we have had a lot of lately!) The windshield is so clear that it looks like it isn't there! The seats are comfortable and the trunk is a good size! I can't sing enough praises for the Yaris!! I can't wait to check the gas mileage!! I don't miss my Tribute at all and I know we made the right decision!!
Yesterday I woke up to a flat tire on my bike, so we went to buy another tube and tire. The tube we bought was defective and burst quickly after we inflated it!! I was so aggravated! Robert took it back and got another one. I rode 2.5 miles this morning and another 2.5 tonight! I'm glad to have a functioning bike again. Missing my morning rides throws me off! In over a month I've only missed 2 days of riding. Not too shabby! Have a great weekend! Shannon

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Moving in.

Yesterday I put everything from the Tribute into a huge plastic tote as I cleaned out 7 years worth of accumulated "stuff." I had enough "feminine" things in there to last years, and I didn't even realize it!! I had to go through all of the junk and throw away stuff, and move the necessities back into the new car. It is nice to have a new start. The car drives so smooth and is so comfortable!! It handles very well in heavy ran and deep water. I'm glad we made the change!!
I LOVE "So You Think You Can Dance!" This is the best year ever!! I miss dancing so much!!! Shannon

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Well, today my Mazda Tribute started acting a little "funny." Not bad funny, but sluggish and funny. It has 175K miles, and has every right to act funny. Well, since we are a one car family and my work is 20 miles away, I have to have a reliable car. So today we went to the Toyota dealership and bought a Toyota Yaris. It is really nice and gets great gas mileage. It is silver and is much roomier than it looks. It was difficult to leave my baby and all it's memories. I carted Cody and Pippin around to trips and vet appointments. It is sad.
We have been riding bikes every day and we only missed one day due to rain. It has been nice. Robert rode 26 miles like a crazy man yesterday! I would die!!
Have a great night! Shannon and Robert