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Thursday, June 12, 2008

Our story - My Side of It

I guess it is best to start from the beginning so y'all will know our story. We actually met on e harmony, which isn't all that different nowadays, but for me it was WAY OUT THERE! I'm no computer guru, as a matter of fact, I had a computer we named "special ed" because he was a 1999 reject from the county school department, but "special ed" did his job well, just very slowly!! I started on e harmony after my sister-in-law-law Cheryl (my sister's sister-in-law) told me about it and suggested I give it a try. I was embarrassed to start it, but quickly became intrigued. I was matched with the widest variety of people from the self centered John from MO MO(I am my own biggest positive influence) to the down home good ol' boy Clement (MacGyver is my biggest positive influence). No offense, I loved MacGyver, the way he made bombs from chewing gum and paper clips, but he wasn't MY idea of a greatest influence! Then there was Robert. He had a picture up. He was cute, but didn't look like a smiley person. He liked to cook (hell yeah!!!) felt that his Grandfather (not MacGyver) was his biggest influence, was born and raised in Florida ( a rare NATIVE FLORIDIAN!) was a dental tech (great!!! he has teeth, and probably really good ones), plus, from the picture he had hair!!! My 2 top priorities to start out: teeth and hair. For a while I thought I would have to give up one of these. Thank God I didn't!! But seriously, he was a Christian, and his info caught my eye. We started sending each other questions on May 10th 2005, which is my Daddy's birthday. We stayed up all hours of the night emailing and talking. It was really neat! Then I found out the horrible truth. HE WAS A STAR TREK, STAR WARS, ALL THINGS SPACE fan!!! We have worked through this after 3 years, though. He is still a big fan, I tolerate it. Anyway, we had our first date on May 21st, 2005 after he took a big dental tech test. We went to see of all things STAR WARS! The compromising started early, although he didn't know it. We hit it off immediately. He was a smiley person after all. Great teeth, nice hair, and TALL. Soon after we met, I discovered that I actually knew some of his family. Yes, me! I had met his brother, sister-in-law and niece quite a few times at my neighbor's house. As a matter of fact, my neighbor and his sister-in-law were best friends since they were little. His brother has also worked with a guy that I had dated! Walt was right!! It's a small world after all!!! We saw each other often, and quickly knew that this was something special. We went to New Orleans for my 15 year reunion in July, and quickly had to come home because Hurricane Dennis was heading our way. We had a blast though. We got up early and took great pics of New Orleans. I took lovely black and white photos, and we walked it the quiet of an empty street at 7am. I feel so blessed that we did this, because the next month, Katrina changed New Orleans in a terrible way. We were heartbroken that the town where our first trip was taken was a disaster area in chaos. In August we welcomed 2 new little guys into our lives. Mason (Robert's nephew) was born early in the morning on August 2nd. Ryan (my nephew, who wasn't such a little guy at 9lbs 13oz) was born early in the morning on August 6th. So that is how the first few months started out from my side.


Marcus said...

I am SO excited that you are going to be documenting everything! There is so much craziness in wedding preparation, and you do such a wonderfully humorous job at documenting it all.I am also thrilled to see the back-story. All of this will be priceless when you look back on it later down the road.

Laura said...

We ar very excited for you both. I hope that the wedding plans go smoothly with only a few bumps in the road (however these bumps will bring many laughs and smiles down the road...though not at the time.O

kparker said...

Shannon and Robert, congradulations on the engagment, Paul and I are happy for you. October is a beautiful month to get married in that is when we got married almost 10yrs ago. The planning is stressful but worth it. Shannon is a wonderful coworker and person she deserves the best. Love you guys

Unknown said...

We're so happy for you both....3:46am you posted this? You really are abuzz with all the planning.
Loved the are really good at this and it is all a hoot.
My version of meeting Robert for the first time had to be a little odd...since I was crying from the baby blues and breast feeding horrors. Nothin' like, "Meet my sister....dadgumit Dana put your shirt on"...'I can't my nips are falling off!...Oh hi Robert...sorry you had to see that.' Well, nothing like getting to know ya.
Glad the big day is well on its way. Marucus is right. This is the best way to capture it all!
Love you,
Dana (and Ryan and Clint, who'll kill me for writing this!)

JEANNE said...

Well I see that we are still not sleeping at 3:46AM!! I bet Robert is sleeping like a baby! All kidding aside, I am very happy for the both of you and can't wait to see you start your married lives together...and have some Shannon you are not too old and I doubt that your eggs are all "shriveled" up!! AT LAST, AT LAST, AT LAST! I am soooo excited and simply can not wait!! A BIG HELLO to Marcus and Dana...can't wait to see you both! P.S. to Dana...hope your "nips" are back in working order before the big day! We don't want any mis-nips..oops! I meant mis-haps! By the way Shannon, you are doing great for only five days in!!Now stop the maddness and get some are gonna need it!!

Shannon Outlaw-Kimsey said...

I told y'all I'm not good at computer stuff. The clock was set wrong. I wasn't up at 3:45am toiling away. It was 6:45am. Robert fixed it. Your comments are priceless to us!! Love, Shannon

Shannon Outlaw-Kimsey said...

I just thought of something. If any of you have pictures of us together, or separate, or with us in them, will you please send them to me. We don't have a lot of pictures. I don't care if they were from a long time ago. If you like them send them. We'll even take real pics or digital by email. I would love a pic of us from Disney as "Lady" and "Tramp"

Jeanette said...

I love your whole love story of your meeting. Robert, I know it was hard to take the exam knowing you were going to meet this beautiful creature soon. I don't know how you could be thinking of teeth. I do think that God had something in mind for you the way He put you together and I think you both have great qualities that you each can give to a wonderful marriage. I can wait to meet Dana. Love, Jeanette

cindy said...

Congratulations Shannon!

I couldn't remember what Robert looked like, so I went back through the New Orleans pictures. I've got a few of you two, so I'll send them to you!

Unknown said...

That's awesome guys. I'm really happy for you two and hope you find the happiness that I have found being married to Lisa and having a family. Congrats


Unknown said...

I'm so excited to read it and all and so happy for you both! Now people in the office can harp on you to give them babies instead of me ;)

Anonymous said...

Shannon and Robert we are very bless to have you as our neighbors! ENJOY, LAUGH, AND Love ONE ANOTHER. May God bless and keep you both as you spend your lives together...Oh yeah Robert thank you for the gooooood Food!!!
Ben, Ericka and A.J. Daniels