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Saturday, April 18, 2009

Feeling Spunky!

I had a dream last week that I got my hair cut short, which started the wheels turning. Monday I decided to be ballsy and walk in to a hair salon and tell them to do "whatever." Well, I couldn't find any place open on Monday except one that had a long wait, so I took it as a sign and waited until Tuesday. After work I walked into a salon that I have been to before. I don't get my hair cut very often. As a matter of fact it hasn't been cut since just before the wedding (over 6 months ago!) The lady at the salon was from Jamaica and was so sweet. I told her to cut it about shoulder length in a style that wouldn't make my round face look any rounder. She didn't want to cut it that short. She suggested I only cut about 3 inches off, so went with that. It is very soft and healthy right now, so I am happy.
We are in the process of looking for a small car for Robert since his has crapped out again. We want something with low miles that we can take to Miami or Mississippi and feel comfortable that it will make it. My 2002 Tribute has 171,500 miles on it and is running like a champ!! We are going to keep it forever. I think it is in such good shape because I started using full synthetic oil from day 1. Anyway, we looked at a Toyota Yaris (yes, it is small and Robert is a big guy, and it may conjure visions of clowns packed in a car with the two of us in a small car, BUT it is much roomier than we expected.) It gets great gas mileage (29/36) and is very reasonable. It's an idea we are seriously looking into as soon as we get his running enough to get it up there to trade in.
Today we did yard work and bought some herbs and a bamboo orchid. Robert planted it tonight. It reminds us of his Grandma Doris. She LOVED orchids. Dana had an oriental pot that had the bottom broken out of it, so we put it in the yard and put the orchid in it, and placed large Mexican beach stones on top. It is pretty.
That is about all for now. Shannon

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