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Thursday, April 23, 2009

Fun Time Ahead!!

Tomorrow after work I am going to a bachelorette party for a friend of mine who grew up in Oviedo, Fl and I met working in North Carolina at "Camp Itchycoochie" (as my brother called it.) I am so excited for her and can't wait to see her again. It has been 7 years since I worked in North Carolina!! It has been such a stressful week, that a little girl party and gambling will be a great distraction!
My "Man of Honor" Marcus and Robert came down from Fairhope to do some Central Florida scouting for Robert. Robert lived in the Cayman Islands when we were there on our honeymoon (although we didn't know it at the time) but has since moved back to the States and is looking for a new home base. Well, he LOVED Tampa, which means I have another former Mississippian moving to the area!! I hope we get to see him often and MAYBE Marcus, Lorraine and family will move down soon!! That would be SO great! Then we could rescue Robert's sister Angie and her family from Greenville and move them here!! And then..... anyway, we went to Leroy Selman's last night and had a wonderful time. We closed the place down. Robert insisted on gloating to Lorraine about the wonderful food she was missing. She is such a great sport! If I had one drop of the patience she has, I would be golden!! My Robert enjoyed telling stories of my sleep walking/talking escapades. Marcus is now very glad our "Marriage Contract" didn't pan out (see several blog entries before the wedding). I think he would have killed me with all of my shenanigans!! Robert finds them thoroughly entertaining and loves to try to "keep me going" by asking questions and feeding into my talking! I'm not right in the head, especially when I sleep. It's bad enough that I could probably get a "crazy check" if I tried. For those of y'all that didn't grow up in the Delta, I don't mean anything offensive when I use the term "crazy check."
Well, I've got to try to rest since tomorrow promises to be a stressful day at work, and a very fun and tiring day at the Hard Rock!!! Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?? I sure as hell do!!!! Bring it on!! Love, Shannon

1 comment:

Marcus said...

Loved, loved, LOVED getting to see you & Robert! One of these days we are going to move on down further south and we will all have a grand time. Got to get the oldest two out of high school first, though.......