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Thursday, June 11, 2009

Bike Riding Day 3!

I went for a ride this morning at 6 am. Yesterday I was just tooooo tired after work. It was really nice this morning, although it was a little humid. It is so quiet and peaceful in the morning. Robert was right, early morning rides are very nice and relaxing. I didn't even notice my butt hurting and did not squirm as much! Maybe I'm building up my butt callouses! I hope to feel energized today!! I hope everyone has a great day. Tomorrow is Friday!! Shannon
Part II: We rode another 3.5 miles this evening after dinner, so that makes 5.5 miles today! Not too shabby for a new bike rider!! I felt really good today and my mood was much improved with the ride this morning getting my blood flowing. Robert plans on riding with me in the morning since he is off. We are really having fun riding together. Have a great night and a wonderful Friday!! I've got to get ready for "So You Think You Can Dance?" Shooby dooby dooby DANCE!!

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