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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Days 15 and 16.

I rode yesterday morning, but Robert blew a tire yesterday and it was late by the time we got it fix. We rode this morning and this afternoon. Riding has been a blessing and a great stress reliever. I think there would have been bloodshed if not for biking.
You know how you run across something unexpectedly and it sparks something in the back of your mind?? Well, a few days ago while cleaning out the garage, I saw a copy of my resume. It didn't mean much to me at the time, but the last few days have really got me thinking. When the benefits are outweighed by the negatives it may be time to start looking around. I am keeping my eyes open and my heart open to other opportunities. I can only be taken advantage of as much as I let myself be taken advantage of. I am going to be prayerfully open-minded. Shannon


cindy said...

Great job on the biking! It's my favorite thing to do. But be extra careful - I had a bike accident last summer, and it was not fun.

Marcus said...

As a nurse, you are wildly marketable. I'd look around, especially with the money that Robert V. is now making down there......

Shannon Outlaw-Kimsey said...

I know! I can't believe what Robert V is making! I must look because I'm not making that, or anywhere near that! Shannon