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Saturday, June 14, 2008

I think finding a place to marry is going to be harder than finding "the One!!"

I made my first "honey do" list today for Robert. Since I had to work, I left him a list of places to call for information and prices on beach weddings, as well as to write our story on e harmony (that one wasn't done) and to call Joey and Bobby about being groomsmen. We have so many things going on, that we can't remember who we've told WHAT!! Now remember, once I get my mind made up on something, IT'S DONE!!! Well, I want my beach wedding!!! (No! I'm not turning into a bridezilla, YET!) Needless to say, Robert did really well with "the list." He is such a patient wonderful guy!! I wouldn't trade him for all the fried catfish, hushpuppies and french fries in the world. Most of these places are insanely high!! Some want $125/person. Well, I hate to say, we're going to have to draw straws! Only 2 people can come. The rest of the 250 are SOL! Just joking!! The search has just begun, and I know that this will work out. At 36 3/4 years old, I haven't been this patient for all this time for this not to work. I could have caved in and married any number of illegals in our area, but I didn't. Now I know some of you are saying, "Sure you didn't!! You can't even speak Spanish!!!" THAT IS NOT THE REASON!! Love and green cards know no language people!! (Although I do get suspicious when people speak around me in languages I don't understand.) I hope that didn't offend anyone. I love all my Spanish speaking friends, I'm just jealous! Anyway, next weekend starts the SERIOUS looking. We are going to drive to the beach and look around. If it doesn't work out on this coast, we may have to go to the St Augustine area. I know good nearly deserted beaches there!! I have found bridesmaid's dresses and guayabera shirts and khaki's for the guys that I like! That's pretty good. I, on the other hand, may be naked if I don't start looking for a dress for me!! Anyway, if anyone has any great ideas, we are open for them!! We love y'all and keep the hilarious comments coming!

Love, Shannon


Marcus said...

Perhaps you have struck on an idea. Make it a naked wedding! Your guest list, and therefore your costs, will shrink DRAMATICALLY. It could be an homage to all the nudist colony visits that you have made in your job.

JEANNE said...

I think that if we have to wear a damn sarong, the fellas have to wear a SPEEDO...and no pubic shaving before hand!!!

Unknown said...

I'm loving all the fried catfish, hush puppies, and french fries references.. is this the menu for the event?!?!

Unknown said...

I suggested a low country shrimp (althought the bride would swell up and die...sorry Shannon, you don't get to eat) or crawfish boil (we've been gone from home so long that I don't remember when they're in season but I think Oct. is not mudbug season :( But a good ole catfish fry would not be half bad though. I suggested for rehearsal dinner to hire a bar-B-Q catering. Just please no muffalettas...they cause bloating and can be a real buzz kill!
Glad you got the joke bridesmaid attire picture up. Without a caption, it looks like your bridal dress...hee hee! Lovin' the blog site with pics...especially special ed...God bless his little slow soul.
Love you,