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Monday, April 20, 2009

Dealing with Attitudes.

Even though I am a nurse, I've never been very fond of doctors. (I mean no offense to any of my friends who are doctors at all!!!) I never could understand how the little nurses in the little hospitals had the time or desire to mess around with the little doctors with BIG god complexes!! Anyway, we have a new Dr, and I'll call him Dr Richard Head (for obvious reasons.) Well, Dr Richard (Dick for short) comes in with a major attitude each day and tries to get us to do things that are his job, but he feels are the jobs of the "secretaries." We are NURSES, who are nursing supervisors, who have 12 nurses, 9 home health aides, and 110+ patients to take care each and every day. He even DARED to make negative comments about the ONE doctor I truly love (not including you Dr Jennie!) I'll call him Dr Awesome. Dr Awesome is so nice to us, respects us as professionals, and trusts our judgment completely. I guess Dr Dick feels if you use terms of endearment (like honey) you aren't taking him seriously. Well, from this day forward, Dr Dick is now "Sugar Booger." If "honey" drove him nuts, "Sugar Booger" should run him OFF!!! Maybe if I "Bless his heart" "Sugar Booger" will find a more suitable work environment. Kill em with kindness!! Bless his heart!! (There are SO many days I'm glad I still have my Southern drawl after 12 years of being in Florida. You can say stuff and get away with so much more with a Southern accent!!) Love, Shannon


Marcus said...

I know someone who got a vasectomy, and the doctor was Dr. Richard Chopp, who also uses "Dick" as his name. Dr. Dick. Chopp. I shit you not.

Shannon Outlaw-Kimsey said...

That is WRONG!!!!