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Saturday, June 13, 2009

Day 5-Continued Tour de Meadowpoint.

Today I rode 2 miles this morning, then this evening after Robert and I went to dinner and to see "Land of the Lost" (which I will get back to later) we went for a 5 mile ride to the end of Countyline Road and back. I'm still not comfortable riding in the bike lane of the street, so I ride on the sidewalk. My confidence is building though. It is nice to feel my energy level increasing again. I have got to get into better shape and lose weight if we are EVER going to consider having children. Each day I am going to try to do a little more.
Back to "Land of the Lost": it was funny. A lot of the main funny parts were on the commercials. Will Ferrell is just not right.
I talked to Mama today, and I guess we won't be making the Mississippi trip in July. I'm a little disappointed, but in many ways I would rather go in the fall, (which I have mentioned is my favorite time of year in Mississippi) and see Mama, Daddy, Josie, Dumplin and home. We are supposed to go to North Carolina in October for our 1 year anniversary, so maybe we can "swing" by there. I want to bring back a lot of my pictures that I left at home.
Everyone enjoy the rest of the weekend! Shannon

1 comment:

Masahiro said...

I am so proud of Shannon. She is taking to the riding faster than I ever thought. We are hoping to get out to Flatwoods soon and do the 11 mile loop.
